add_type_metadata(schema, yaml, debug=False)
Modified a list of yaml entries in place to add type information from a parsed schema.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
schema |
List of schema representations from parse_schema. |
required |
yaml |
List of yaml representations from parse_yaml. |
required |
debug |
Print debug information |
False |
Returns: Nothing.
Source code in yamldoc/
def add_type_metadata(schema, yaml, debug = False):
Modified a list of yaml entries in place to add type information
from a parsed schema.
schema: List of schema representations from parse_schema.
yaml: List of yaml representations from parse_yaml.
debug: Print debug information
# Loop over each value of the schema
for name, variables in schema.items():
# Find the corresponding entry in the YAML.
# Special case: if the name is base in the schema
# these are top level variables
# which need to be dealt with seperately.
if name == "base":
# Look for top level entries
for var, var_type in variables.items():
for value in yaml:
if not value.isBase:
if var == value.key:
value.type = var_type
for value in yaml:
if value.isBase:
if name ==
for var, var_type in variables.items():
for entry in value.entries:
if var == entry.key:
if debug: print(f"Setting type of {var}")
entry.type = var_type
# If we find at least one
# then we can say that
# there's a schema.
value.has_schema = True
entry.has_schema = True
Count indentation level.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
line |
A character string to be processed. |
required |
Source code in yamldoc/
def count_indent(line):
Count indentation level.
line: A character string to be processed.
return len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
Extract a key value pair from a single YAML line.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
line |
A character string to be processed. |
required |
Type | Description |
Key value pairing; alternatively, if not value i present, just the key. |
Source code in yamldoc/
def key_value(line):
Extract a key value pair from a single YAML line.
line: A character string to be processed.
Key value pairing; alternatively, if not value i present, just the key.
key, value = line.rstrip().lstrip(' ').split(":")
except ValueError:
values = line.rstrip().lstrip(' ').split(":")
key = values[0]
value = ''.join(values[1:])
if not value: return (key)
return (key, value.lstrip(" "))
main(yaml_path, char="#'", debug=False, schema_path=None, title='Configuration Parameters Reference', description='Any information about this page goes here.')
Takes a given YAML file and optionally an associated schema, parsing each for their key value pairings and reports the results as a markdown document.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
yaml_path |
Path to YAML file. |
required |
schema_path |
Path to schema file. |
None |
char |
Special character to identify comments to be included in YAMLDOC documentation. |
"#'" |
debug |
Print debug information |
False |
title |
Title of markdown generated. |
'Configuration Parameters Reference' |
description |
Description given below the title in markdown. |
'Any information about this page goes here.' |
Returns: Nothing, prints to stdout.
Source code in yamldoc/
def main(yaml_path, char = "#'", debug = False, schema_path = None, title = "Configuration Parameters Reference", description = "Any information about this page goes here."):
Takes a given YAML file and optionally an associated schema, parsing each for their key value pairings and reports the results as a markdown document.
yaml_path: Path to YAML file.
schema_path: Path to schema file.
char: Special character to identify comments to be included in YAMLDOC documentation.
debug: Print debug information
title: Title of markdown generated.
description: Description given below the title in markdown.
Nothing, prints to stdout.
# If a schema has been specified, add the
# type information to the rest of the
# variables.
if schema_path is not None:
schema, specials = parse_schema(schema_path, debug)
yaml = parse_yaml(yaml_path, char, debug)
# Edit the yaml in place with type information.
add_type_metadata(schema, yaml, debug)
if "_yamldoc_title" in specials:
title = specials["_yamldoc_title"]
if "_yamldoc_description" in specials:
description = specials["_yamldoc_description"]
# And do the printing
print("# " + title + "\n\n" + description + "\n")
# Build the table with top level yaml
print("| Key | Value | Type | Information |")
print("| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-- |")
for value in yaml:
if not value.isBase:
print(value.to_markdown(schema = True))
for value in yaml:
if value.isBase:
print(value.to_markdown(schema = True))
print(f"---\nGenerated by [yamldoc]( v{yamldoc.__version__} on {}")
print("# " + title + "\n\n" + description + "\n")
yaml = parse_yaml(yaml_path, char, debug)
# Build the table with top level yaml
print("| Key | Value | Information |")
print("| :-: | :-: | :-- |")
for value in yaml:
if not value.isBase:
for value in yaml:
if value.isBase:
print(f"---\nGenerated by [yamldoc]( v{yamldoc.__version__} on {}")
parse_schema(path_to_file, debug=False)
Parse a schema file to identify key value pairing of values and their associated types.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path_to_file |
Path to schema file. |
required |
Returns: Tuple of (schema, specials) where specials are unique YAMLDOC strings for the title and description of the desired markdown.
Source code in yamldoc/
def parse_schema(path_to_file, debug = False):
Parse a schema file to identify key value pairing of
values and their associated types.
path_to_file: Path to schema file.
Returns: Tuple of (schema, specials) where specials are unique YAMLDOC strings for the title and description of the desired markdown.
name = "base"
indent = [0, 0]
specials = {}
indents = {}
current = {}
special_type_case = False
with open(path_to_file) as schema:
for line in [l for l in schema.readlines() if l.rstrip()]:
if debug: print(line)
indent = [indent[1], count_indent(line)]
# The base level has to start with a special name
# because it is not named in the schema.
key, value = key_value(line)
except ValueError:
key = key_value(line)
value = None
# This is awkwardly placed but we have to deal
# with a special case where lines
# start with a dash, and indicate that
# variables have multiple types.
# If this has been observed further inside the
# loop, and the line does indeed start with a dash
if special_type_case:
# If the indent has decreased, then
# the list of types has finished.
if indent[1] < indent[0]:
special_type_case = False
if line.lstrip(" ").startswith("-"):
value = line.lstrip(" ").lstrip("- ").rstrip()
raise TypeError("You must specify a value for type.")
# < Deal with top level specials.
if key == "$schema":
assert value is not None
specials["schema"] = value
if key == "_yamldoc_title":
assert value is not None
specials[key] = value
if key == "_yamldoc_description":
assert value is not None
specials[key] = value
if key == "description":
assert value is not None
specials["description"] = value
# />
# Top level properties option
if value is None:
if key == "properties":
current[name] = {}
indents[name] = {}
# Deal with increasing indent levels
# The actual amount of indent is not
# relevant (though it may be for
# parsing a valid YAML document.
if indent[1] > indent[0]:
if value is None:
# If the key is properties
# then we are starting a new object
# definition.
if key == "properties":
current[name] = {}
indents[name] = {}
# This is a special case where
# there can be multiple types
# given for a particular variable.
elif key == "type":
current[parent][name] = []
indents[parent][name] = []
special_type_case = True
# Otherwise, its the name of the
# actual object.
# Assign the key to be the "name"
# and relegate the previous name
# to the "parent".
parent = name
name = key
# If it's giving the type of the object
# then store that under the parent (meta)
# object along with its indentation level.
if key == "type":
assert value is not None
if value != "object":
current[parent][name] = value
indents[parent][name] = indent[1]
if indent[1] < indent[0]:
# We're just adding another value
if indent[1] == indents[parent][name]:
if value is None:
name = key
elif indent[1] < indents[parent][name]:
if value is None:
name = key
return current, specials
parse_yaml(file_path, char="#'", debug=False)
Parse a YAML file and return a list of YAML classes.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
file_path |
Path to the YAML file. |
required |
char |
A character string used to identify yamldoc blocks. |
"#'" |
debug |
Print debug information |
False |
Type | Description |
List of YAML blocks. |
Source code in yamldoc/
def parse_yaml(file_path, char = "#'", debug = False):
Parse a YAML file and return a list of YAML classes.
file_path: Path to the YAML file.
char: A character string used to identify yamldoc blocks.
debug: Print debug information
List of YAML blocks.
# YAML files have key value pairings seperated by
# newlines. The most straightforward kind of things to parse will be
# keyvalue pairs preceeded by comments with the Doxygen marker #'
current_entry = None
meta = ""
things = []
with open(file_path) as yaml:
for line in [l for l in yaml.readlines() if l.rstrip()]:
if debug: print(line.rstrip())
# Either we haven't started yet
# or we've just flushed the entry.
if current_entry is None:
# Find the number of leading spaces.
# YAML only uses spaces.
nspaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
if debug: print("@\tFound " + str(nspaces) + " indent level.")
if nspaces == 0:
current_entry = None
if line.startswith(char):
meta = meta + line.lstrip(char).rstrip()
key, value = line.rstrip().split(":")
# If there is no value, this is the beginning of a
# base entry (i.e. there are subentries to follow)
if not value.lstrip():
current_entry = yamldoc.entries.MetaEntry(key, meta)
if debug: print("@\tFound a meta entry.")
# Otherwise continue on.
things.append(yamldoc.entries.Entry(key, value.lstrip(' '), meta.lstrip()))
if debug: print("@\tFound an entry.")
meta = ""
if current_entry is not None:
if current_entry.isBase:
# If we're back at 0 indentation, the
# block is done and we need to quit.
if len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' ')) == 0:
current_entry = None
# If not, continue parsing the sub entries.
if line.lstrip(' ').startswith(char):
meta = meta + line.lstrip().lstrip(char).rstrip()
key, value = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(":")
current_entry.entries.append(yamldoc.entries.Entry(key, value.lstrip(' '), meta.lstrip()))
if debug: print("@\tFound an entry and deposited it in meta.")
meta = ""
# The file might run out
# before the final meta
# entry is added.
if current_entry.isBase:
except AttributeError:
return things