Christopher Cole
DPhil, Genomic Medicine and Statistics

Old city gates in Xi'an
I am a research scientist at Deep Genomics working on computational biology and statistical genetics. My research interests are, broadly, identifying casual genetic associations with complex disease, using machine learning to understand functional genomics, and designing statistical inference methods for population genetics.
Previously I completed my DPhil thesis in Genomic Medicine and Statistics at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Gerton Lunter and Thomas Milne. There I used and developed machine learning methods to understand transcriptional regulation in MLL recombinant leukemia and helped develop a particle filter for demographic inference. Check out my recent publications for more information on those and my previous projects. I love to code, both for work and for hobbies, and a semi-complete list of previous publicly available projects is also found on this page.
Outside of work, I love to hike with my dog and be in nature, ideally while holding a nice cup of coffee. I love to cook and bake, and try to run as much as I can. I’m also learning Mandarin Chinese.
我慢慢学中文在牛津语言中心。 我的女朋友是中国人,我们去了北京。
Dec 4, 2020 | Presented my recent work on deep learning for MLL-r chromatin accessibility to the incoming DPhil Genomic Medicine and Statistics cohort. |
Aug 1, 2020 | A research highlight of the stdpopsim project has been published in Nature Methods. |
Jul 27, 2020 | I gave a talk to the EGHOP summer journal club on our ancient admixture preprint. |
Jun 23, 2020 | stdpopsim has been accepted for publication in eLife! |
Oct 9, 2019 |
Our work on a paleolithic migration with smcsmc has once again appeared at Probgen, you can read the abstract here.